Saturday, January 1, 2011

I ordered 2 books.

Oz books -

complete works of Shakespeare -

I'm back!

We're going to the mall now.

New Plan

I will hold out and see when I feel ready and replenished from eating to start ballet|dance again.  I don't want to go there undernourished.  The program is friendly.  My mom was given information about doing it.  Basically, like at my old college Loyola, you just go in and take classes, no discrepancy on age, like if you're 80.  I feel a little bad starting later, but essentially this is the kind of program to do this.  I think people who took dance also take it as a continuation. I'm not sure about the ballerinas; a lot don't do ballet after high school.

I still have some of a piece left.

OK I'm back.

It was goood.

p:  I have some of my first piece and a second piece out to eat, maybe in my room.  BRB

I'm cooking DiGiorno.

Only 23-27 minutes.  I cooked a hamburger two times today, too.  I could also make mac & tunafish or mac & cheese.  I also got this large thing of crunchy Peter Pan peanut butter.  I'm well supplied with wheat buns and have wheat bread, too.

. . . and a Happy New Year ! ! !

2 0 1 1 !

Resolutions for the New Year 2011
-occupy myself
-spend money wisely
-clean my room & reset it up differently