Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pizza Night


I'm going to see that witch movie.

We all grew up to be the same.

:) so happy


I don't really curse in real life for some reason.  In writing for some reason I feel I have to.  I'm learning to write better just posting on the computer. When I was 5, 6, or 7 I took Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing.  I kept doing it and got better.  I can type a lot without thinking about anything but the words.  I wanna revisit the software I have to make it even sharper because it's freaky just typing without thinking of where the letters are.  Sometimes, I mess up if I'm not thinking a certain way.  It's kinda stinted, like I can't go back.

I want to be more famous than Johnny Depp.

I don't know how long I'm supposed to wait.  I can't deal with shit.


This reminds me of an escape you don't want.

"Prince Caspian"

I wonder what the horse scenes are like.

heart-shaped hands

Yet, the hard shape connects to the whole arm depending on if it's in position rounding up.  Like the whole arm is levered on it.

It's nice and chilly outside.

They should start remaking classics.

Gotta start new versions of things sometime.  Why not now?

I need to start showering once or twice a day again.

time for a bath|shower

since a few days.  Still did 2 loads of towels.

What's the benefit of being Chinese

if white people are on about the other Asian countries?

I'm waiting for my leftover Chinese to cool.

It's interesting

Peter tells Edmund to go back and take the girls.  After the Snow Queen or whatever stabs him, Aslan apparently kills her.

Just finished.

And, I had forgotten something about something else I wanted to say.

They show the fox

even though it was a question on what side.  There's a supposed traitor.  LOL.

That puppet combat must have been something.

I got made fun of for watching Barney.  I was like 7-9.

There's CGI, too.

Like if it's just an animal or smaller.

It's nice to see the Dutch genes in place

and the French.

In the movie "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"

it's funny such a beautiful queen leads those goblins you see.  It seems it always works that way for some reason.


I'm using my allowance for 2 - 3 months to get all the Oz books.  My dad can buy me new slippers if I need, but I will have enough.

I want to do the major program at Valencia.  I mean the associates degree rather than the adult classes, which are not as hard.  In New Orleans, they had a ballet program at college I went to for almost 5 semesters.